Friday 9 September 2011

A Gardener's Lament

"Leaves is a menace"
says our old gardener Sam
"They drives me wild daily.
They don't give a damn
that I sweeps 'em up quick like,
an' fills up me barrer.

When that there wind blows
they drops like an arrer
all over me pathways an’ lawn -
I ‘as to sweep on, till they’re gorn!"

This happy little ditty happens to have 55words for G-Man, and I've combined it with Jinksy's In Tandem, as I don't believe in wasting anything.

Now Ada has elbowed me to one side, and wants to add her pennyworth to this post. Alright, Beloved, stop digging me in the ribs. Ouch! OK. The keyboard is all yours...

"Caddoc and his silly rhymes!
That man is such a fool.
They didn't teach him common sense
when he went to school.
He's right about our gardener Sam,
who gets muddled with his words.
Although a rather handsome man,
Sam can sound absurd
on more than one occasion,
for to use correct Queen's English
he needs gentle persuasion.
"Not 'barrer' Sam! It's 'barrow'
wherein you scoop the leaves,
which fall down straight as arrows,
not 'arrers' if you please!"
But then, nobody's perfect,
and some causes are lost...
Ask Caddoc, for he often meets
the bite of Ada's frost!"


  1. Hee-hee ! wonderful fun! thanks-

  2. haha...lots of fun cad...i like made up words...smiles.

  3. Those are not made up words Brian - they are my vain attempt to convey a regional dialect!

  4. I Love Colloquialisms!!!
    You did Good!
    Excellent 55 My Friend
    Thank You for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End

  5. Well done, Cad and Ada - such talent resides in your little love nest:-)

  6. Nice dialogue and words here... Enjoyed it much.

    Hope you and Ada have a great weekend ~

    I am replying from my other blog here but thanks for your comments.


  7. That's Fall for you. What gets to me is the maple trees started dropping seed pods weeks ago. I started raking in June.

  8. They need a leaf-blower! Not only are leaf-blowers very effective, they are also smelly and polluting and DRIVE THE NEIGHBOURS CRAZY WITH THEIR AWFUL RACKET. Are you listening, leaf-blower-owners?

  9. I know just how he feels--raking leaves is tedious enough the *first* time around. Loved the play on words--'bite of Ada's frost' as well.

  10. You put a voice in my head with that monologue. Well done.

  11. I've known people like Sam! In fact, you have given me an idea - I think I'll pinch his name for a post for Poetry Jam, inspired by the character you created here... Do hope you won't mind?

  12. those leaves, so pretty but like they have minds of their own!

  13. Well, I did wonder about "barrar." You two are simply Mahvelous ... well I don't know if that is it ... its a Seinfeld thing. But truly you are both unbelievable with words. I love them!
