Monday, 29 October 2012


Amongst dust and dirt
flying bullets end their lives,
destroy relatives
who wait with dread to hear news
which splinters the family.

Generations mourn
orphaned children, widowed wives.
Parents and siblings
acknowledge their loss, with tears,
with rage, with numb disbelief.

British boys and girls
fight wars in other countries,
die for an ideal.
The whole world should be asking -
is their sacrifice too much?

Offered for  Toad's Open Link Monday today.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Fridge Magnet

Midnight Snack, 1984, by Curtis Wilson Cost
When a grumbling tum in the dead of night
plagues your dreams - switch on the light,
raid the fridge - and then sleep tight!

Written for Mag139, even while the hunger pangs gnawed....Haha!

Monday, 8 October 2012

Doctor, Doctor! What Have I Got?

Sick Woman, 1665, by Jan Steen
The bearded Doctor in his ruff was often known for being tough
but when the lady Arabella needed help from a medical fellow*
he was the one who came to mind, for she knew he could be kind.
He felt her pulse, prescribed a potion, and gave her a flagon of rub in lotion.

With herbs and simples, carefully mixed, the patient's ailment was easily fixed.
But Doc was nothing if not astute, and, noticing her handsome lute,
he said" Dear madam, if you please, while I relax and take my ease
within your curtained, poster bed, could you sooth my head instead?"

So he promoted her to Nurse! He'd cleverly made their roles reverse.
His plea "I've a headache. Help me, quick! Now I'm the one who's feeling sick!"
brought out her caring, gentle side and his wish was not denied,
for Arabella spent the night playing her lute for his delight...

* pronounce as 'fella', please!

See more medical matters at the Mag 138 this week.