Wednesday, 28 November 2012

The Start Of Love

Pray tell me, where does love begin its life?
Does it creep into the conscious mind
from ancient memories of long lost dreams?
Is a sight, a sound, a scent, a touch
enough to wake it, give it form and feeling
to send five senses reeling with its joy,
as two bodies find that five plus five
make ten... and then... and then, and then...

Often we may search and yearn for love,
spend hours, months or years without success,
before, one moment, unannounced it comes
to overwhelm us with its tidal flood
of all that we desired. Then we are drowned
as its currents sweep us from the shores
of loneliness. We can but bless the fates
who made us wait for this, made us see
the waiting as a gift which added golden
overtones to prayers which had been answered.

Thanks to Kerry's Wednesday Challenge over at IGWRT, I was spurred to wax lyrical this afternoon, though probably not in a way in which she intended - But then, what can you expect from a Cad?!


  1. This is a heart-felt quest for age-old truths. You take us down an interesting path of argument until these lines:
    We can bless the fates
    who made us wait for this...That is a different angle, especially for those who fear love may never come their way.

  2. "as two bodies find that five plus five
    make ten... and then... and then, and then..."
    How beautiful is this ode to waiting!

  3. Very beautiful take on the advantage of waiting. I especially enjoy the lines describing the tidal wave of happiness that occurs as love arrives.

  4. none of your writing is written by a cad, Cad.

  5. I would agree with Marian ... (I'm still waiting.)

  6. Replies
    1. Ada, dearest, where else can I go to pick up pen and paper and let my hair down?

  7. Lyrical-love-beauty...very well spun-smooth and timeless treasure. :)

  8. Hiya Cad,
    This made me so think of the river Thames. Right from the second line, which reminded me of the ignominious but higly overrated sourse of that river, to its frightening generosity of flooded water meadows creeping ever nearer to our home this very minute.

    A frigtheningly competent piece of work. Please tell me you didn't just toss that off today. A few months would make me less envious.

    1. Sorry to disappoint- I wrote it between 3 and 44.30 this afternoon! Sometimes things write themselves...

  9. OOPS! 4.30, that should have been!

    1. Spoilsport :-)
      44.30 would at least have indicated some substantial time span.

      oops! that should have been source and highly

    2. Seems like both of us are good at typos, never mind writing! LOL

  10. I like the slant you took with this--the advantages of waiting for love. Nice.

  11. This calls to mind the phrase, "thank God for unanswered prayers." I shudder to think what my life would have been with that "other" love.

  12. It is in our nature, it seems these day, to want things NOW. But honestly, I'd rather wait for a "fit". (but glad I didn't have to wait long :)

  13. Waiting, we hate it, but it can contain the blessing we have searched for. So many think life is a "microwave" just pop it in, wait a few minutes, and... Great piece!
