Thursday, 2 December 2010


There are thorns more cruel than those which grow
on scarlet roses. Invisible but sharp
their barbed and treacherous weapons pierce my heart
and cause more pain than you will ever know.
You choose to blush and say it is not so,
that you would never think, when we're apart,
of dallying with any young upstart,
and yet that blush has set your face aglow.
I would that it was caused by none but me,
that I alone could light your inner fire
and fan its flames. Who's kindled new desire?
What young and foolish lover could there be
who captivates, then makes of you a liar
bent on making sure my eyes won't see?


  1. Caddoc, how sweet and touching. Why don't you stop sulking in your freezing shed and come indoors to discuss these anonymous red roses. I'm sure there is a simple explanation. I thought you were out buying champagne . . .

    The Guy Who Came In From The Cold

    Caddoc, dear, this wintry day
    your shed looks like an igloo.
    Your Ada has decided she
    will no longer niggleyou.
    So beat a pathway to her door.
    She hath a way to giggleyou.
    Under her snow white duvet deep,
    your Ada wants to snuggleyou.

  2. My, Ada!

    Champagne I bought!
    But that is nought
    compared to what you say -
    I'm fizzing with excitement -
    I'll be over right away!

  3. Kat:
    Please do! The more the merrier! After all, Christmas is coming - the time for friends to get together. I'm sure Mrs T would welcome you in.

  4. So, Caddoc Trellis! I make a serious attempt to heal a very minor rift (red roses) which sent you into a sulk, and what do you do? How do you repay your Ada? You invite young women in! Who's this Kat Mortensen anyway? Someone you bumped into in the carry-out shop? You better watch your step, my lad! Leopards can change their spots back again, look you.

  5. But remember the Christmas spirit my dear! Besides, I thought she would be the perfect partner for the mysterious Sam - I bet you will be asking him to our Annual Trellis Mansion Party... Sauce for goose and gander, what?

  6. Sam? Sam?
    Am I missing something?
    I thought I was following closely and now I find I have missed Sam!

  7. MadameButterfly . . I think you'll find "Sam" in a recent post on Ada's blog. I also think that Ada and Caddoc have both got hold of the wrong ends of different sticks . . .

  8. Doctor! You sound like the voice of reason. Can you help smooth our path - or at least get Ada and I to hold the right end of the right stick...We need an intermediary. Have you ever thought about working as a Marriage Guidance counsellor?

  9. Oh dear....... life is too short for worrying about roses.
    I hope all your fears are unfounded.
    Loved the poem.
    Thank you for commenting on my post.
    Maggie X

  10. Cad, Good on you. Just go to her and be your charming self. Ada, don't change your spots back just yet - you could be in for a treat.

    This drawn out saga has all the makings of a publishable epistolary novel!

  11. Okay, THAT was a fun ride, with a slightly confusing (confused?) cast of characters! But highly entertaining.

  12. Nice piece of writing, Cad. :-)

    Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog.

