Thursday, 28 July 2011

The Eyes Have It!

Blue eyes look like water, or possibly the sky,
but brown eyes look like chestnuts -
do you ever wonder why?

Sometimes other colours - smokey grey or green -
may alter them to hazel,
and they become 'betwix-between.'

This pair were staring at me from Margaret's painting on In Tandem!

Monday, 25 July 2011


As soon as I saw the Magpie prompt this week, I came over all poetic. Not about bicycles- too often Ada tells me "On yer bike!"- but about the dog star. Wiki will tell you all about it HERE. But then it made me think of the moon of my delight, and I wrote her these lines...

My dearest, you are
the brightest star in my sky;
No dog days allowed.

Thank you once again to Tess for the inspiration, and let's hope that Alicia will accept this as a roundabout lead in to her Maffick Monday!

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Times Is Gettin' Hard, Boys!

An Englishman's home is his castle,
or so the old adage goes,
but how in these times can he buy one?
'Tis a problem which (everyone knows)
depends on the state of the country,
and the pennies in his piggy bank.
More often than not it's too empty...
like his car with a petrol-less tank.

His castle, perforce, remains up in the air...
Good Luck to anyone living up there!
The foundation's dodgy on cloud number nine,
best live in a sty with the rest of the swine!

Blame  JINKSY for tempting me again this week! And Ive just discovered the same subject fits ALICIA's Maffick Monday - who cares if it's Thursday?!

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

A Leg Pull!

graphic by jinksy
I've entered myself on a Link List that I spotted on Alias Jinksy's blog, but now feel like a fraud as I've not written anything for this picture. Being a man of very few words, I have the solution ... this is my contribution...

"It's Corny!"

 No reflection on the artist intended...