Thursday 28 July 2011

The Eyes Have It!

Blue eyes look like water, or possibly the sky,
but brown eyes look like chestnuts -
do you ever wonder why?

Sometimes other colours - smokey grey or green -
may alter them to hazel,
and they become 'betwix-between.'

This pair were staring at me from Margaret's painting on In Tandem!


  1. Why, Cad, you sly old dog! Ada will be after you for writing about brown eyes, when hers are most decidedly blue...Mind you don't end up with a black one...Thanks for another fun Tandem post though. I do appreciate your joining in so regularly.

  2. Betwixt-Between - love that. I know it well. Doris Duke is reputed to have said (something like): "My answer is maybe, and that's final". Sadly, my eyes are plain old brown with no interesting hazel highlights :-)

  3. Caddoc - one flutter of a lady's eyelashes, and you turn to jelly. Whatever shall I do with you?

  4. I like Betwixt-Between too - I suppose mine are that colour!

  5. At least both her eyes are the same colour . .

  6. A long time since I've seen Cad 'n Ada. Howdy. I like the poem.
