Monday 12 December 2011

A Different Ancient Mariner

 "So near and yet so far" he  thought.
" My boat is out of reach!
Those pirates stole my treasure trove
and dumped me on this beach."

The luckless mariner gave vent
to feelings impolite.
(I won't attempt to write his words.
They might give you a fright!)

But as he fretted, trapped in sand,
he came to realise,
his fingers still had room to move.
"Oh my! What a surprise!

"With slow and steady movements
I can claw to reach the top
of this sandy, tight laced overcoat.
My struggles will not stop!"

His fingers scraped and scrabbled too,
and inch by inch they rose
until they broke the surface sand-
though slowly, heaven knows!

But patience was rewarded then.
A new, deep hole he dug
to free his entire body parts.
"There! See? I am no mug!"

And off he rowed to pastures new,
to leave the pirate's life.
He settled for a land-locked job -
and married a rich wife!

Gadzooks! Toads and Magpies make chaps do strange things!


  1. Aye! A terrific tale! You've done the wench Emily proud!

  2. I can tell that you have had great fun with both pic and form!

  3. A lot of fun! I love that he rowed to pastures new. K.

  4. Don't you just love a happy ending?

  5. Glad she was rich enough that he could leave pirating for good!

    Great yarn

  6. fun read, enjoyed the direction you took this prompt

  7. Yee Haw ... rollicking good fun!

  8. Land-locked job? Rich wife? Tell me . . . after such a rollicking adventure did he really settle for a garden shed and Mrs.Ada Trellis?

  9. Doctor, Doctor! I did not write my own life story! No, no! I let my imagination be transported by the Magpie picture, and my fingers did their own walking over the keys. You wouldn't find me floating around in a rowboat - far less being a pirate. The very idea! And my Beloved wouldn't bury me alive...would she? Ooer... don't answer that!

  10. Wonderful! Aaaaaaarrrrgggggghhhh.

  11. a rich wife is not a bad haul itself...haha...he might still be a pirate yet...smiles.

  12. Those pirates, if they don't leave you high and dry, they leave you low and wet.

  13. not a bad yarn matey
    but I still chase hawks from my yard
    ....let them eat elsewhere
    and by the way...weren't those pirates doing what pirates do....
