Sunday, 22 April 2012

Not The Wavy Navy

Once I had a fish tank, a very special kind.
It wasn't square and boring, like others you might find.
No, it wiggled up and down in graceful undulations,
all fitted with a fine control for heating variations.
In winter you could turn it up, in summer turn it down,
but while  it stood there empty, I felt like a clown.
So I filled it up with water, though fishes I had none.
It was sad to see it vacant. What was to be done?
Well, I stripped down to my boxers and slithered round the bends.
And this, I hate to tell you, is where my story ends!

Written for Mag #114 with thanks to Alex Stoddard for the original graphic.

Friday, 20 April 2012

Horses for Courses . . .

 . . . not for changing light bulbs as some folk seem to think.   What Doctor FTSE needs is a house pet like this . . .

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Who's A Lounge Lizard?

Debatable question, I'd have said but Susie Clevenger's camera has certainly captured one here for Real Toads to admire...

...And I felt an immediate kinship with him. 

This lizard's neck looks a bit wobbly
and his digits somewhat knobbly.
His skin's the colour of the soil
in my garden, where I toil
and try to keep my muscles trim...

Help! Am I turning into him?

I have lost the youthful tension
in body parts which I'll not mention,
and years of working in the sun
have tanned my skin. My hair's begun
to resemble his thinning spikes...
a balding process no one likes.

A lounging-lizard I'm not, for sure,
for I prefer the great outdoor
delights of trees, of plants 'n' flowers -
I can study them for hours,
perched upon some handy seat...
A gardener's life can be real sweet!

Friday, 13 April 2012

Thirteen Lines For The Thirteenth

The action of natural forces, I find
can sometimes be of an unwelcome kind.
My unruly tum
is not under my thumb
and for volcanic activity
it has a proclivity.
I'm sad to say
it goes its own way
with rumbles
and grumbles...
I think that it mumbles
"Please change your diet,
if you long for quiet!"

Laurie at IGWRT set a challenge. "Write a thirteen line poem about effervescence", and gave this list of definitions:-
effervescence - the process of bubbling as gas escapes

natural action, natural process, action, activity - a process existing in or produced by nature (rather than by the intent of human beings); "the action of natural forces"; "volcanic activity"
the property of giving off bubbles
gaseousness - having the consistency of a gas

How could I resist?

Star Gazing?

Or simply looking at other people's blogs can lead you a merry dance! I've trailed around this morning until I ended up in an Imaginary Garden where, it seems, many toads have found a new game to play, and though I will be joining in at the tail end (after the horse has bolted?) here goes...

Pegasus gallops
to the music of the spheres,
while star clusters spin.