Friday, 8 March 2013


Friday gives us the chance to put 55 words together for G-man, so this morning as I was searching for a subject, what came to mind but the one little word 'Sorry', which can be one of the hardest ones to say, but one of the best to use!  I've had so much practice in saying it to Ada, that I thought some others of you may have found a new way to deal with the problem... Give us a clue?

How many ways are there to say “Sorry!”
to leave behind heartache or anger or worry?
What flowers or chocolates may do the trick
to smooth the rough edges of some hissy fit?
If you have the answer, please tell me at once-
I’m sorry I’ve managed to be such a dunce –
Please forgive me?


  1. Definitely a case when actions truly speak louder than words! Should I be wishing you luck? :)

  2. Sometimes we just sullenly walk around each other and say sorry in little subtle ways. Why are the actual words so hard to say?

  3. It should be so easy to say sorry. Why isn't it?

  4. Just say...Sorry I was wrong!
    Trust me, that'll do it.
    Unless of course you were a real jerk, then it
    might just cost you something extra.
    Loved your remorseful 55 Cad
    Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End
