Friday, 13 April 2012

Star Gazing?

Or simply looking at other people's blogs can lead you a merry dance! I've trailed around this morning until I ended up in an Imaginary Garden where, it seems, many toads have found a new game to play, and though I will be joining in at the tail end (after the horse has bolted?) here goes...

Pegasus gallops
to the music of the spheres,
while star clusters spin.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Light in our darkness?

Some people  manage to always see the negative side of life...A picture on The Mag #108 by Uzengia Aleksander Nedic lead me to do just that, and this detail took on a new significance...

When dark is all we see ahead, then one
small beam of light can shed a ray of hope
to lead us on, to lift our mood,
till we can say 'Dull care, be gone!'