Friday 12 November 2010

Once I was Handsome 'E'!  As edited later, thanks to Dr FTSE
Look at me! Once upon a time...

I told you my shed was like the Tardis. It managed to hide this photo for years, underneath a bag of Growmore. So, now it has surfaced, I can let you see me back in my glory days...

Don't all swoon ladies, but if you bump into Ada, do tell her what she's been missing for all these years?


  1. Oh what beautiful dimples!

  2. What a cutie! Ada just has no idea what a gem she has :)

  3. HandsomE!, Cad, the word is handsomE! Is that your shed in the background. Looks like a cowshed to me. Is it a cowshed for Ada?

  4. There's strange it is! Look what I have found in my garden shed this morning! A Bug! How appropriate!
    And the Learned Doctor back for a second visit, I see... Thank you for pointing out the error of my ways- my spelling grade was never good when I was in school, as I couldn't keep my eyes off the English teacher's avoir du poids. As a result, I missed many of the finer points, and my old dictionary has been sadly chewed by passing rodents. They must have eaten the last 'E' off the handsome page. Tant pis. At least a smattering of French words have stayed with me - possibly because the French Master was a gruff, ugly tyrant who caned me often...

  5. PS. Doctor, are you calling my Ada a cow? Be careful she doesn't descend upon you with a pitchfork...

  6. or maybe "hansom" as in cab (could be a misspelling of Cad)

  7. Mrs Viv - Caddie and Cabbie I have been during my varied career, but the phrase 'Hansom is as handsome does' has always left me confused, for whoever heard of a handsome hansom?

  8. At last! Thanks go to Vivinfrance for giving me a signpost to here. How do you do, Mr T?

  9. simply brilliant!
    way to go.
    love your humor here.


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