Sunday 28 November 2010

Third Instalment

The End

The record player was to hand,
and rather than a Colliery Band
or Male Voice Choir on the spindle,
(and you may think this a swindle)
the 45 played Ballroom Dancing!
Cad and Ada's sprightly prancing
warmed them up and kept them cosy...
And what happened next?

 Well, don't be nosey!


  1. Seriously, Cad, I hope this isn't the end of your blogging. Branch out - turn your wit onto the faiblesses and idiocies of the world, and we will all be the wiser for reading it.

    BTW, I'll be very happy if you all live happily ever after.

  2. What fun..just keep dancing..mind if I cut in??

  3. Oh, ladies! You have made my day! Vivinfrance are you calling me witty and/or wise? I'm amazed...

    And Lyn, cutting in - I should be so lucky! But what would my Beloved say to my dancing with another? Who can tell. She may be glad to get rid of me yet again, and I could be banished back to my potting shed. Not a good prospect with the present state of the weather.
