Thursday 11 November 2010

Wishful Thinking

If only...

Ada, as usual, sat there unsmiling.
Despite the harsh treatment
and relentless grilling
her man remained true.
But this was thrilling -
she knew what to do!
Open her heart,
her legs and her arms
and welcome her husband
with all of her charms!
Why had she spent long years
frigid and cold,
when the warmth she had longed for
could be hers to hold?

"To have and to hold"-
was that not the vow?
She pulled out her mobile
gave Caddoc a call.
"Come to the shed now -
I will reveal all!"

It was dark in the potting shed,
until the moon
lit up the wheelbarrow-
made Ada swoon
as she realised Caddoc was
eager and willing,
as he stood in the doorway
where moonlight was spilling...

My imagination was incapable of proceeding beyond this point- possibly just as well. But if anyone knows of a potent love potion that would make my Beloved act in the manner heretofore mentioned, please tell me how to acquire same? I am getting desperate, you can tell...


  1. At last a voice of your own!

    Thank you for visiting my blog Cad - hope she lets you in to watch the Match on Saturday.

  2. Dear Ms Viv, how kind if you to call. And here was me, thinking
    I would be as solitary in the World of Blog as I was in the World of Shed! Things are looking up!

  3. Goodness me, Madame Butterfly! Now I have two lovely ladies fluttering round my potting shed!
    I begin to hope Ada will be a little less speedy in discovering my bolt hole.
    I could perhaps learn to enjoy a dalliance or two while her gaze is not upon me...

  4. What's going on here, Caddoc? You seem to have changed your picture. What are you, a Man or a Mouse?

  5. Dr FTSE - full marks for observation. I became self conscious when I realised I had used an un-flattering photograph, and decided to retreat into anonymity - much as your good self. Indeed, it was while visiting your Silly Blog that I came up with the idea of using Sax Mouse. Your own fictitious portrait was enough to inspire me. However, I like the cut of your jib where humour is concerned, and will no doubt return for further helpings...

  6. Dear Cad,
    just coming back from London - beautiful three days! - I found your comment and thank you for it! The discussion about which photograph to choose, "(...) men or mice", is academic - your's it is to decide, which part of your multiple personality you want to show us! Tomorrow I will look up what a 'Sax Mouse' is - hope it isn't misspelled?

  7. Dear Lady Britta - I have used a tiny picture of a mouse who is playing a saxaphone, so his name is Sax Mouse! Simple when you know the answer!
