Saturday, 5 August 2023

Am I Listening?

 I certainly am... Click HERE to see who asked the question.

My Ada boxes clever. 
But my plate is always full
of scrambled eggs each morning.
Our days are never dull. 

I swear to leave her never.
She says "Well, perhaps you should!
I might find a better suitor.
Don't you think I could?"

'Daft as a brush', she labels me,
or ' Thick as too-short planks!'
As happy as a pig in muck, 
is something that I ain't!


  1. I must apologize to little piglet, shown in a previous post. I would have readers note, he is very clean and not given to rolling in muck, ever. ♥

    1. That's OK Cad- I forgive you. I often get overlooked because I am so small...

  2. You started out great with me, I love scrambled eggs. I don't get them very often; I cook them for an egg and cheese sandwich in the microwave. I use a dish, square the size of the bread slice. I cook it for 70 seconds n 60 percent power. Just right although it might pop once or twice, be sure to have a paper towel and weight on top. I missed the pig, it must have left.

    1. The ''piglet' may still be seen HERE, but not with scrambled eggs, Hehehe...

  3. i never liked that ada
    she doesn't have a heart
    think you could do better
    with a gal
    who has good taste in art

    1. I think a taste for the art of fencing, might be handy to cultivate....Where did I put that plastron?!

    2. Eek! I feel stretched on a rack by Blogger, now, let alone Ada.

    3. My beady eye is still upon you, Caddoc - you forget, I have x-ray vision!
