Friday, 11 August 2023

Laughter or Tears?

That is the idea (suggested at P&SU ) and the following words give a fair description of how things lie between Ada and Caddoc more often than not!

Diamond-drops fall
down a face lined with pain,
while a heart reflects their sadness -
until rising splutters of amusement
erupt into full blown laughter
as self-mocking mirth quells 
the need to shed 

N.B. A word to the wise :- In your blog settings, checking there is an 's' after the 'http://' of old, will ensure your URL won't generate a warning triangle saying 'Not Secure' when anyone tries to read your latest post. It's an easy fix, and who doesn't like to feel secure? ♥


  1. Yes, both the burst of tears and laughter are like the breaking of a dam and quite healing while in those moments of letting go.

  2. Laughing until you cry? There is a fine line.

    1. A fine line I often tread - and fall from. Hohoho...

  3. Hurts so bad that finally we just have to Laugh. This reminded me
    of Mrs. Jim's showing me her small collection of tear drop earrings.
    I like the shape of your poem post.

    1. The shape is because it's a Rotameter - a syllabic poem, not my invention. :-)
      Thanks for coming to read it.

    2. Oh, those typos! RICTAMETER is what I meant to type. :-)

  4. I've started running outside, after a very long time not being able to do it. My body was screaming, it hurt so much... and I couldn't stop laughing. And yes, I felt like crying too. Your poem brought that to mind.

  5. Well written and I recognise going from one extend to the other Maybe just not of amusement but to just to wear of the bad. Never had so many laughs as when we had an earthquake here.

  6. Laughing at earthquakes? I tremble for your sanity, m'dear. LOL

  7. Crying until the start of a laughing spell ...hysteria is a sad outcome .....this thought provoking

    1. If there's one thing I'm good at, it's thinking! I can do it anywhere - and - it's free - what more could one ask of any hobby? ;-)

  8. I discovered the joys of composing Rictameters decades ago ... I know why (after reading yours) I find them so very appealing!

    1. Goodness- don't give Cad too many compliments Helen, or he might get big headed...

  9. Nice to write about tears in a way that's not at all depressing...For a year or so a Googlitch was causing even https:// Blogspots to be flagged as "not secure" and even "deceptive" by Google, here. I'm not sure how widespread it was, or whether anyone really had hacked into the network. I'm just glad it seems to be over. If it happens where you are, you've been warned that it's a system glitch!

    1. I think the only glitch in my world, is Caddoc! But that's not to say I don't love the old duffer, despite the wrinkles and the awful hat. My bark is worse than my bite, promise...

  10. Laughing at yourself makes things so much better. I like that this started and ended with the same word.
