Saturday, 19 August 2023

For My Sweet

 With marshmallow kisses I would woo her; 
petal soft upon her lips they'd fall. Lips'
ruby-tinted hues, like wine, entice me
and she doth ever hold me in her thrall.
Spin golden sugar-strands into a crown!
Adorn her tumbling hair that falls below
in ringlets, glowing soft in candle-light.
This adds a shawl, the shade of butter-cream,
to parry cold from silver-frosted moon,
whose beams outline her dainty milk-white arms 
and tempt my heart its sustenance to share.
Will it, mayhap, keep on with it's beating?
Does Ada Trellis even blooming care?!
As for my asking - would I ever dare? 

See HERE for more foody/eating hints, and click Beloved's name (above) to see her answer. :-)


  1. Oh, I absolutely adore this! The beautiful crafting, the extravagant sentiments, all the delicious foody metaphors – and then that wonderful, throwaway last line.

  2. Fantastic! I absolutely love your sonnet :-D All the edible sensory details and then the last two lines:

    "Will it, mayhap, keep on with it's beating?
    Does Ada Trellis even blooming care?!"

    I mean, I just love the word "mayhap" to be honest! That's made my day. I'm totally using it in future :-D

    1. Thanks for using the word 'sonnet'. (Who knew I could write one of those?)
      P.S. I've added an extra line now, to bring the total up to the required 14...

  3. Ladies, ladies! Spare my blushes... Perhaps I should send you both invitations to see my shed, and leave Ada off my party list for good.

  4. Haha … sweet as honey! I enjoyed this buffet of many food metaphors!

    1. Honey is the same as sugar, in helping the medicine go down, and is a good ploy/buffer between Ada and I :-)

  5. "Spin golden sugar-strands into a crown!
    Adorn her tumbling hair that falls below" move over Will there's a new bard in town. I adore this.

    1. Bard is SO much better than being barred - a state I oft endure. (Blow and bother- Will's language is contagious)

  6. Not only have you whet my appetite, you have created a movie in my mind.

    1. What better camera, than one's own eyes? Although a picture of hair and sugar mixed, might create a horror movie, come to think of it...

  7. You're still a romantic at heart but she could fall for all those food. There's hope. :)
