Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Light in our darkness?

Some people  manage to always see the negative side of life...A picture on The Mag #108 by Uzengia Aleksander Nedic lead me to do just that, and this detail took on a new significance...

When dark is all we see ahead, then one
small beam of light can shed a ray of hope
to lead us on, to lift our mood,
till we can say 'Dull care, be gone!'

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Heaven Or Hell?

I once read a touching poem
about a ghostly love,
a revenant, returning...

But if push came to shove,
would I choose to be with Ada,
Would we fit like hand in glove
in some alternate future?
Would she be my turtle dove?

Or would we both be thrown
into eternal hell,
where she and I would
row ad infinitum. Who can tell?
Hopping around The World of Blog yesterday, I saw that a Clever Toad from Imaginary Garden had challenged us to respond to a poem we'd encountered on our travels. I chose one by Doctor FTSE entitled "Revenant", and clicking on this link will lead you straight to it.


If you have never met the delights of the shenanigans that go on in the Trellis household, you can catch up with the latest of them HERE, and there are plenty more on offer if you scroll further down!

Tuesday, 7 February 2012


Artificial flowers lay bestrewn
in parody of everlasting life,
their garish petals stark on bed of leaves
which nature had but lately disinterred
from some dark corner of the undergrowth
to make a bed on which their heads might rest.

Of all the graveyard epitaphs on view
these spoke to me the loudest by their silence...

See more floral tributes, perhaps, over at The Mag, thanks to Tess.
And more poetry of all kinds at d'Verse Open Link Night

Monday, 6 February 2012

A Mini Moment For Monday

Hopping by the Toad Garden yesterday, I espied this photo by Richard Schear  which has now, belatedly, brought forth a MIni 'Mutt Moment' - with apologies. :)

I know that many dog owners
buy their pets weird treats,
like Dentastix, or rubber bones,
or doggy chocs to eat,
but I'd've thought they'd draw the line
at socks for doggy feet!

And as I only wrote it this morning, I'm linking to IGWRT  Open Link Monday... have a nice day, people!