Friday, 15 September 2023

Plea in Etheree Form

ink to write
me a note, love.
Throw me a life-line
as I reach for comfort,
in this moment of despair.
Save me from the glowering storm
engendered by your unfounded lies, 
whose flint-tipped arrows pierce my very heart.

Inspired by the three words on P&SU Friday Writings #94

N.B.  I have had second thoughts since I wrote the first lines, so this is possibly a good bit of advice to the needy:-

Write in blood your crimson letter...
A bleeding heart needs must get better!
It has no wish to taunt or tease
so calm its turbulence - now! Please?

  (Hot off the press, or what?) 

Monday, 4 September 2023

Date Night


There sat Beloved, as posh as you please,
the sight of her made me go weak at the knees
as she waited for me at a table for two.
Well, what is a fellow like me meant to do?
Her skin glowing-rosy in light from a lamp
got me so flustered my palms felt quite damp.
"You look beautiful, Ada as you sit there!"
I smiled in delight, tossed my hat in the air,
and signalled a waiter to "Bring us Champagne!
No need for either of us to abstain;
toast this special occasion - Old Love's young dream!"
Alas and alack here the fates intervened...

The maître de witnessed this harrowing scene; 
"What a great night!" fast became 'might have been.'
For a wench with two bowls full of Mulligatawny,
slipped up, nearby me, caused a kind of tsunami!
I got showered with soup and had to retire,
cancelling chances that I might inspire
my Ada's passions, at least for the night. 
Will fate never manage to treat me right?

'And the moral of this tale? That Triumph plus Disaster may give rise to present laughter!' With thanks to Friday Writings

Tuesday, 22 August 2023

Hello from piglet.

I trot around Blogland, using my little snout to dig up tasty morsels missed by folk whose noses are too high off the ground...  

Sea Dreams

Carried on the rising tide of night, 
flotillas of persistent dreams set sail,
while whirlpools circumnavigate my mind, 
attempt to drown it.

I pray for quiet sleep to steer a course 
towards a harbour's calm waters. 
But all the while I hear the cries 
of ancient nightmares sinking down
towards night's ocean bed, 
biding time to resurface...

N.B. This came from HERE originally. In the interests of general recycling, I offer it to Friday Writings You can see me HERE - larger than life, perhaps...

Saturday, 19 August 2023

For My Sweet

 With marshmallow kisses I would woo her; 
petal soft upon her lips they'd fall. Lips'
ruby-tinted hues, like wine, entice me
and she doth ever hold me in her thrall.
Spin golden sugar-strands into a crown!
Adorn her tumbling hair that falls below
in ringlets, glowing soft in candle-light.
This adds a shawl, the shade of butter-cream,
to parry cold from silver-frosted moon,
whose beams outline her dainty milk-white arms 
and tempt my heart its sustenance to share.
Will it, mayhap, keep on with it's beating?
Does Ada Trellis even blooming care?!
As for my asking - would I ever dare? 

See HERE for more foody/eating hints, and click Beloved's name (above) to see her answer. :-)

Saturday, 12 August 2023

Tip Off

 I have been alerted by my pal Trellissimo, that Ada has been doing another rant to squash me further into her hen-pecked-hubby mode.

 Does she not realise, she's only rumbling away in the background like a latent volcano, and I learned years ago to ignore her at such times? My Best Beloved she is and always will be...  I pander to her every whim, although I know I cannot win. 

"Let her harsh words flow" say I. " I'll lift my gaze up to the sky and ponder, as the clouds pass by, is this a case of 'do or die'? Will a murderous intent fill her mind and cause a rent within our partner ship for life?"  

What would you do with such a wife? Answers on a postcard please, to Mr C Trellis, No.1 The Shed, Blogland.

Friday, 11 August 2023

Laughter or Tears?

That is the idea (suggested at P&SU ) and the following words give a fair description of how things lie between Ada and Caddoc more often than not!

Diamond-drops fall
down a face lined with pain,
while a heart reflects their sadness -
until rising splutters of amusement
erupt into full blown laughter
as self-mocking mirth quells 
the need to shed 

N.B. A word to the wise :- In your blog settings, checking there is an 's' after the 'http://' of old, will ensure your URL won't generate a warning triangle saying 'Not Secure' when anyone tries to read your latest post. It's an easy fix, and who doesn't like to feel secure? ♥

Saturday, 5 August 2023

Am I Listening?

 I certainly am... Click HERE to see who asked the question.

My Ada boxes clever. 
But my plate is always full
of scrambled eggs each morning.
Our days are never dull. 

I swear to leave her never.
She says "Well, perhaps you should!
I might find a better suitor.
Don't you think I could?"

'Daft as a brush', she labels me,
or ' Thick as too-short planks!'
As happy as a pig in muck, 
is something that I ain't!

Saturday, 22 July 2023

How to make friends -

 And influence people?!  This phrase may be well known to many, in this age of Mobile Phones & IT wizardry. but meeting a person in real life and discovering friendship between compatible souls, is another matter entirely.

I'm glad to have stumbled upon one Caddoc Trellis, who fits the bill for me - shy little piglet that I am.  Sorry about the blurry picture of our historic meeting...

I first came to life thanks to the nimble fingers of one who was and is an admirer of the original Pooh and Piglet tales. My photograph clearly tells the world I'm of an era long before Walt Disney created his cartoon version. My 'blueprint', as you might say, was drawn by E H Shepard, to whom I'll owe a debt of gratitude for ever more...

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Resurrection, perhaps?

 With Blogland changes, I am checking to see if I still exist?! Hohoho...

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Bad Spelling?

A picture is worth a thousand words... BUT...

An out of place plaice
had a sneer on his face
as he swam through the murky deeps
Though his spelling, I fear,
was the worst in his year,
still his spots made him oddly unique-
for he used them to count
to ginormous amounts,
and became a mathematical freak!

For Tess and Steven Kelly at The Mag

And here I apologise to any visiting Mag addicts, for I've just managed to enter myself a second time on the link list, after adding the rhyme to my original wordless wonder, idiot that I am! These senior moments are the very pits...

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Twister? Not for the tongue!

Satellite picture;
cyclone approaching landfall.
Batten down hatches!

This week's Mag must have got my head in a whirl, or twisted my eyesight! Thanks Tess. :)

Monday, 20 May 2013

The Beacon

Lighthouse Dandelions by Jamie Wyeth
I dreamed of a lighthouse, lit by the sun,
but the dark clouds hovered near-
threw a vivid and menacing shade on a hill
whose atmosphere filled me with fear.

Stark rose the seed heads, as from the grave,
the gold of their petals long gone,
and their skeleton bodies reached up to me
as I stood apprehensive and wan.

My dreams sailed rough seas all that night long,
storm-tossed on turbulent waves,
till a beam from that lighthouse lead me to shore
and I knew, as I woke, I'd been saved.

Written for The Mag  with thanks to Tess

Sunday, 5 May 2013


Always the head turning,
yearning for the unattainable,
out of reach star.

A bizarre unspoken plea
we see in the eyes
as the soul espies a far horizon
enlivened by possibility.

Curiosity nurtures
future dreams,
seeming to enthrall
all who are captured
by the rapture of expectation.

Inspiration came from the Mag 167 thanks to Tess and Mary Cassatt. 

But Oh, my goodness! Now Ada has discovered my yearnings -  I shall be in the dog house for sure...Hang on...I do believe Beloved has decided to pinch my arty endeavour, and join the fun here this afternoon. Well, wonders will never cease!

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Well, Well!

The title beneath this illustration which IGWRT's Kerry O'Connor provided a link to today, reads thus :-

Cadmus prepares to slay the pitiless reptile who had killed his poor companions.

Strike me down with a feather! Oops - no! Not Cad must prepare to slay a dragon, after all. My eyes played tricks on me. Thank goodness for that... but now I need the story...hmmm... that might take some time. I'll be back...

 Play Time

The local Am Dram players, rehearsing in a wood,
were all dressed up in togas  (my, what a load of freaks)
but their play was due to open in but a few short weeks.
It was about a dragon, that Cadmus, if he could,

had to catch, then kill (politely) and then repeat  (twice nightly)
But the props man wasn't ready. " How can I find a way
to make a dragon in that time? Let alone one you can slay!
It’s giving me a headache - I tell you all, forthrightly!”

They held a special meeting, the cast, the crew, the boss,
and put their heads together, pooled their D.I.Y ideas –
their brains were working harder than they had for many years-
“We’ll do it if it kills us, we just don’t give a toss!”

At last they had a brainwave- papier mâché, wire and string
should make a framework, all in bits; that was just the start.
They then worked out a cunning plan how it would fall apart
then be put back together! Oh, ‘twas a wondrous thing!

So my namesake, trusty Cadmus, was as happy as a king.
The play was great. The theatre was fully booked each night
 and the dragon fell and rose again – it was an awesome sight.
BUT at the last performance, the dragon it took wing …

and was never seen again. That’s MAGIC!

Friday, 12 April 2013

Brown Study

From a selection of artworks by Chelsea Bednar comes this Abstract7, which suggested to me a great sense of longing for home. So I wrote this - 

In a far country
a stranger's understanding
dispels loneliness.
Then realisation comes -
home lies within one's own heart.

I trust my attempt at a Tanka fits the request made by Margaret Bednar at Imaginary Garden With Real Toads, to capture the emotion in the picture.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Out Of Hibernation...

...I come, for a while at least, to answer the Toad Call of the great outdoors... or any other outside...  thanks to Peggy Goetz at IGWRT's. Perhaps the cold has got to me, for all I could come up with was this...

Outside is not in.
The thin
of the wedge
is felt
when snows melt
and wet
is met
coming in from outside.
Occasional land slides
can mean
houses lean
towards the 'in' of the Earth.
They decrease in worth,
The last
thing a house needs
is to be inside earth like a seed.
It will not multiply,
but stultify,
possibly rumbling
while crumbling
towards impend-
ing doom. The End.

Friday, 8 March 2013


Friday gives us the chance to put 55 words together for G-man, so this morning as I was searching for a subject, what came to mind but the one little word 'Sorry', which can be one of the hardest ones to say, but one of the best to use!  I've had so much practice in saying it to Ada, that I thought some others of you may have found a new way to deal with the problem... Give us a clue?

How many ways are there to say “Sorry!”
to leave behind heartache or anger or worry?
What flowers or chocolates may do the trick
to smooth the rough edges of some hissy fit?
If you have the answer, please tell me at once-
I’m sorry I’ve managed to be such a dunce –
Please forgive me?

Monday, 4 February 2013

Bookworm Paradise

Central Library, Manchester, U.K., by Robin Gosnall
Oh library, great library
you make my heart beat faster;
you're full of words of wisdom
spread out for me to master.
With my precious ticket
waving in the air
I can own a little bit
of every book in there...

My eyes eat words for breakfast,
chomp knowledge into chunks
of easy, bite sized pieces
when its time for lunch.

A volume here, a volume there
will fill my tum for tea
with recipes, or pictures,
as I gobble what I see
in my imagination...
and all of it is free!

So I'm a happy bookworm.
Leave me to browse in peace
among this paper paradise -
may its glory never cease.

Written for Tess at The Mag,

Tuesday, 1 January 2013


We had a new year's party; guests came from far and near...
but now it's time to clear the mess, and look what I found here
beneath the coffee table! A glass containing dregs of beer
by a saucerful of ciggy butts as dead as the old year!

Photo by R A D Stainforth
'No Smoking in our house, please' the signs were very clear.
But people still ignored them, or so it would appear,
for twitchy nose and gimlet eyes both made me stop and peer
until I found the culprit whose reek of fags, I fear,
was oh, so overwhelming, it killed my festive cheer!

See more options at The Mag 149, where Tess gave this nudge to our creative juices...

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

The Start Of Love

Pray tell me, where does love begin its life?
Does it creep into the conscious mind
from ancient memories of long lost dreams?
Is a sight, a sound, a scent, a touch
enough to wake it, give it form and feeling
to send five senses reeling with its joy,
as two bodies find that five plus five
make ten... and then... and then, and then...

Often we may search and yearn for love,
spend hours, months or years without success,
before, one moment, unannounced it comes
to overwhelm us with its tidal flood
of all that we desired. Then we are drowned
as its currents sweep us from the shores
of loneliness. We can but bless the fates
who made us wait for this, made us see
the waiting as a gift which added golden
overtones to prayers which had been answered.

Thanks to Kerry's Wednesday Challenge over at IGWRT, I was spurred to wax lyrical this afternoon, though probably not in a way in which she intended - But then, what can you expect from a Cad?!

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Guilty Pleasure

Isadora Gruye,  at IGWRT , asks us to reveal our secrets. This one is perhaps a fantasy on my part,  as I don't believe I've indulged in such a caper since I was a lad - and even then, not at midnight! I had too much respect for my teeth. However, a man can dream, can't he?! That in itself can be a guilty pleasure!

How I ask you, may one measure
the guilt attached to guilty pleasure?

Does it mean the size of the Mars Bar
or the depth of the sweetie jar
will add it's own dimension?

Must I mention
how this delight
on midnight
exploits to the kitchen
can get your fingers itching
to tear the paper
fast, then make a
start, as teeth
nibble away to reach beneath
the chocolate topping,
find the caramel. No stopping
until the nougat is licked clean.
Know what I mean?

"A Mars a day "
so adverts say
"will help you work, or play, or rest"
but one at midnight tastes the best!

Friday, 16 November 2012

Last Minute Friday 55

Doctor FTSE spoke of a Triangular Number in his blogpost today, so I thought I would do a triangular 55 for G-Man, with thanks to the  Doc for putting the idea in my head, also for explaining what the h*** he meant!

little word
adds to another,
and pretty soon you
find that this one extra,
added line by line, will keep
you at it even while asking  how
much longer you will be forced to write
this rot, making little sense if truth be told,
until lines one to ten equal fifty five words. Magic!

Sunday, 11 November 2012


Dust clouds turn the skies blood-red and the moon
spills acid from its lofty perch above
wastelands where darkness blankets the hillsides.
Only the gleam from the sea's surface lights
the landscape with hope. Fragile, filigree
treetops shudder in the onslaught of winds
which howl from all four points of the compass
at once, defying the laws of Nature.
When the Furies of the Cosmos unleash
their hatred man can only beg "Mercy!"

Inspired by Tess and Felix Vallotton at Mag 143

Monday, 29 October 2012


Amongst dust and dirt
flying bullets end their lives,
destroy relatives
who wait with dread to hear news
which splinters the family.

Generations mourn
orphaned children, widowed wives.
Parents and siblings
acknowledge their loss, with tears,
with rage, with numb disbelief.

British boys and girls
fight wars in other countries,
die for an ideal.
The whole world should be asking -
is their sacrifice too much?

Offered for  Toad's Open Link Monday today.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Fridge Magnet

Midnight Snack, 1984, by Curtis Wilson Cost
When a grumbling tum in the dead of night
plagues your dreams - switch on the light,
raid the fridge - and then sleep tight!

Written for Mag139, even while the hunger pangs gnawed....Haha!

Monday, 8 October 2012

Doctor, Doctor! What Have I Got?

Sick Woman, 1665, by Jan Steen
The bearded Doctor in his ruff was often known for being tough
but when the lady Arabella needed help from a medical fellow*
he was the one who came to mind, for she knew he could be kind.
He felt her pulse, prescribed a potion, and gave her a flagon of rub in lotion.

With herbs and simples, carefully mixed, the patient's ailment was easily fixed.
But Doc was nothing if not astute, and, noticing her handsome lute,
he said" Dear madam, if you please, while I relax and take my ease
within your curtained, poster bed, could you sooth my head instead?"

So he promoted her to Nurse! He'd cleverly made their roles reverse.
His plea "I've a headache. Help me, quick! Now I'm the one who's feeling sick!"
brought out her caring, gentle side and his wish was not denied,
for Arabella spent the night playing her lute for his delight...

* pronounce as 'fella', please!

See more medical matters at the Mag 138 this week.


Sunday, 30 September 2012

Three by Four ?

Photo by Joy Ann Jones

And the scudding clouds streak across the sky;
thin, vaporous beings, insubstantial,
yet softening the effect of a day

when sunshine may otherwise prove too strong
for tender petals blushing pink with shyness.
Close-cupped buds hide in spherical silence,

while trumpet pistils herald golden light
from central tones of ruby at their base,
deep notes resonating in harmony.

A summer symphony is created
for our enjoyment. The natural world
is generous with its gifts to mortals.

For IGWRT's Sunday mini challenge.

Sunday, 23 September 2012


There was a young model who posed
while still wearing half of her clothes -
the jumper was cotton...
but why the bare bottom?
I guess there is no one who knows! 

Of course, there is a slight possibility she was wearing cream coloured jodhpurs, but where would be the fun in that? Thanks to Tess and David Salle for this chance to have a giggle with The Mag 136.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Dancing Partners

Image by Salvador Dali
Don't be put off by extra bulk,
if your partner is a hulk,
for often those with larger frames
dance lightly on their feet. I came
to understand this well,
and there are stories I could tell
of dance hall days
which might amaze
those who read my words today.
I well remember Gladys May,
a rotund lass. But like a feather
she would float, and I could never
once deny 

our dancing feet managed to fly
around the floor better than most.
And that's no boast,
but honest truth.
Ah, long lost youth!
Where did you go? And when?
I know I wish you'd come again!

A tongue in cheek offering for the Mag 135, with thanks to Tess
Also shared with  Open Link Monday at IGWRT.

Sunday, 26 August 2012

No Peeping Toms Please!

 Big Room, 1948, by Andrew Wyeth
The curtains and blinds have been sent to be cleaned,
 and without lacy nets left to drape
in front of the transparent windows, you see,
we'll be saddened if folks start to gape

and peer through the glass here to watch us all day,
or worse, to survey us by night,
when maybe an unguarded action or two
could really give someone a fright.

Bright sun through the windows will ruin the floors,
the carpets, the parquet, the rugs
and with no roaring fire alight in the grate,
we'll have to keep warm using hugs!

Written for Mag 132